Basic Nutrition Quiz (10 MCQs): Can you solve it?

Quiz on Basic Nutrition textNutrition is the very easy subject? What do you think?

Check your ‘Basic Nutrition’ knowledge with this quiz. This quiz contents a total of 10 ‘Multiple choices questions’ (MCQs). You have to select “one right answer’ from the given options. All the Best 👍

Difficulty Level: ⭐(Easy)

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About basic Nutrition (Read after taking quiz):

This basic nutrition quiz will help you to check your knowledge about basic nutrition. And we also, know this Micronutrients and macronutrients are the two types of nutrients available.

Macronutrients are macronutrients or nutrients that the body requires in large quantities. These provide energy to the body (calories). Micronutrients are small quantities of nutrients that the body needs. Read more about basic nutrition (external site).

However, Most adults naturally consume sufficient quantities of macronutrients and most vitamins and minerals without monitoring food intake if they eat various fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins.

In addition, Individuals adopting a particular diet (e.g. vegan), individuals with certain medical conditions (e.g. diabetes or celiac), athletes, and the elderly may need special care and their nutrition will be different.

At last, We hope that this helped to refresh your nutrition knowledge! Comment below.

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